All we have is now, so stop putting off what you want to do.
Don’t waste precious time doing what you don’t want to be doing. Chase the feeling of excitement. It doesn’t have to be dramatic like a sudden job change. If getting into a fresh bed with crisp sheets thrills you, wash your sheets. If your home is your happy place and the lawn needs to be mowed, then mow the lawn and take care of the home you are happy to be in. If having an organized closet makes you happy to think about, start now color coordinating your tops.
I type this mostly as a statement to myself. I’ve intended multiple times to sit down and write this blog post, and I put if off, putting other tasks ahead of what I really wanted to do. This morning, I reflected on my lovely birthday yesterday. It was a milestone birthday. I turned 50 and was showered with love from my husband, family and friends. As I usually do every morning, I wrote down at least ten things I’m grateful for. I wrote down that I’m thankful I’m in my “living my best life era”.
If you are reading this, try living your life this way going forward: Embrace all the good the Universe has to offer. Be thankful for beautiful flowers, beautiful homes, beautiful clothes, wonderful vacations, delicious food and anything else with gives you a zing when you think of it. Be thankful for full and busy days. Be thankful for slow and boring days. Be thankful that everyone you love is healthy. Look forward to your good life. Be in that vibration and that is exactly what you will get. Everything is always working for your good.
Get busy living life now. Now is all we have.
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